Monday, March 23, 2009


" It is not through trust in our reason that we go wrong, but because through our sinfulness our reason is so imperfectly rational. The remedy is not the substitution of some other form of acquiring knowledge for rational apprehension; it is the education of our reason to be its true self." - Leonard Hodgson

Hodgson's words are relevant to the dilemma we face today. For "reason," we would substitute the word "thinking" and all that it implies. By "sinfulness," Hodgson was referring to our combined sins of laziness, fear, and pride, which limit us or prevent us from fulfilling the human potential. In referring to "the education of our reason to be its true self," Hodgson suggests that we should allow our true self to be whatever it's capable of, to rise to its fullest capacity. The point is not that we shouldn't trust our brain, specifically our frontal lobes. The point is that we don't use them enough. Because of our sins of laziness, fear, and pride, we don't put our brain to full use. We are faced with the task of educating ourselves to be fully HUMAN.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Change your thoughts if you wish to change your circumstances.
Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them.
You will want to change them when you realize that each thought creates according to its own nature.
Remember that the law works at all times and that you are always demonstrating according to the kind of thoughts you habitually entertain.

Therefore, start now to think only those thoughts that will bring you health
and happiness.

We are what we think we are.
The habitual inclination of our thoughts determines our talents and abilities, and our personality.
Thus, some think they are writers or artists, industrious or lazy, and so on. What if you want to be other than what you presently think you are? You may argue that others have been born with the special talent you lack but desire to have.

This is true.

But they had to cultivate the habit of that ability some time -- if not in this life, then in a previous one. So whatever you want to be, start to develop that pattern now. You can instill any trend in your consciousness right now, provided you inject a strong thought in your mind; then your actions and whole being will obey that thought.

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from
achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the
wrong mental attitude." --Thomas Jefferson


A housewife said, "Although I have studied the power of prosperous thinking for years and have had great improvement in my life from that philosophy, I recently discovered something I had been doing wrong. I had been saying on a 'fixed income.' I had been trying to bring more financial income to me in a certain way. I had not opened my mind to the possibility of unlimited supply coming to me in unlimited ways.

"When I realized my mistake, I spoke these words over and over aloud for a long time: 'I am receiving. I am receiving now. I am receiving all the wealth that the universe has for me now’

"Within a few hours, I received a telephone call from the new cable television company in town, inviting me to come in and discuss the possibility of doing a number of children's shows for them on material I had already developed for handicapped children and for slow learners.

''I went for the interview and this job is now assured. It is one that will bring a considerable income to me. As I continued speaking the word of receiving, my retired husband's business quickly picked up. A number of customers appeared with furniture for him to repair. These jobs will keep him busv and happy for some time."

This woman continued to daily speak the word that she was receiving. Later she reported. "Money seems to be coming to me from all points of the universe. I have just sold a children's film which will be shown in schools as an entertainment feature for kindergarten and for underprivileged youngsters. Also, a film on games for children which I made months ago has now been marketed and orders are beginning to flow into the distributor. All this happened after I began daily to open my mind to receive."

Many people fight their good rather than accepting it. They foolishly think they cannot have their good nor should they be asking for it. Such attitudes are no part of the child of a King. Do not burden yourself with such false ideas.

Take just the opposite approach, as did this housewife, and see what happens as you open your mind to receive.


A recent newspaper story reported on a manufacturer of T-shirts who had gone bankrupt. The new story showed why: Thinking it a joke, he had placed this slogan on the back of each T-shirt: "Money isn't everything."

This man could not mentally accept the idea of prosperity in the form of money. He had not opened his mind to receive, so of course he did not. Conversely, perhaps you've heard the other quip, "Money isn't everything. There is also hunger, misery and poverty."

You must be careful what you notice, talk about, or give your attention to, because that is what you are identifying with, and that is what you will bring into your life.

Whatever you notice, you are inviting into Your life.
Whatever you talk about, you are inviting into Your life.
Whatever you identify with in your thoughts, words and actions, you are inviting into your life.

If you notice, talk about and identify with war, crime, disease, financial problems, in harmony, this is what you a inviting into your own life. Through the law of mind action it will come.


Many people's prayers are not answered because they keep asking in prayer, but they do not follow through by getting ready to receive.

After you prepare to receive, you are then ready for the next step:

Speak the word of receiving (as did the housewife early in this chapter). When you daily declare that you are receiving, your words make a believer out of your subconscious mind which then starts working with you to help make it so.

The way to avoid a pinched, narrow way of life is to deliberately speak the word of receiving. Declare daily: